Phytonutrient-Rich Blended Green Juice
Phytonutrients are powerful plant nutrients that are essential for the healthy functioning of our brains and bodies.
Plants such as greens and wheatgrass have a high concentration of life-promoting nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, enzymes, cofactors, and antioxidants—all wrapped up into the perfect mouth-watering package ideal for absorption in our GI tracts. Whole foods are always the best way to get nutrition vs. an extracted isolation of these nutrients, as you will find in supplements.
If you’ve ever considered taking a multivitamin or antioxidant supplement, consider saving some dough and making this powerful combination of healing, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant-rich plant juice.
Plants' nutrients are most powerful when they are fresh. Over time, oxidation takes a toll, and if they have travelled long distances before reaching your home, they start to lose their benefits. This is one of the many reasons to eat locally and seasonally.
If you are going to drink green juice that you have not made at home, always check the ingredients list and expiration date before purchasing. Juice that has high sugar fruits and veggies will spike your blood sugar and are not going to be beneficial for your health. Also, check to make sure the juice is expiring in the next couple of days, you want FRESH ingredients that have not been pasteurized or heat treated.
Phytonutrients are essential for brain and cardiovascular health. They help repair and optimize neurons in the brain to improve cognitive function. They help battle daily oxidative stress that leads to heart disease, dementia and premature ageing. The fibre in these plants promotes healthy gut bacteria which improves mood and long-term brain health.
Here are some hard & fast rules when making juice at home:
Add only fresh veggies, herbs & low sugar fruits like lemons
Blend, don’t juice. Blending preserves the fibre and resistant starch that promotes healthy gut bacteria and slows absorption through the GI tract
Mix up your veggies & herbs to provide your body with a variety of different nutrients
1 C Spinach
1 C Dandelion greens (fresh – I buy these at whole foods)
1 oz Wheatgrass (fresh, frozen, or freeze-dried)
3 Celery Stocks
1/2 Cucumber
1/2 Lemon (peel on)
1/2 Lime (peel on)
1 oz Fresh Ginger root
1 oz Fresh Turmeric root
1/2 Green apple (optional)
Handful of fresh Cilantro (Buy herbs or grow at home)
Handful of fresh parsley
Handful of fresh Broccoli sprouts (grow or sprout from seeds)
1 tsp Stevia for sweetness if desired
Servings: 4 servings | Time: 5 mins | Equipment: High-speed blender
*Note: Use all organic produce. If organic is unavailable, wash with an organic vegetable wash or peel them
This juice is seriously fresh & delicious.
Place all ingredients in a high-speed blender, fill with water and pulse on high until smooth. Separate into reusable glass jars for easy portability.
I’ve been having this juice every morning at work for breakfast around 10 am. It fills me up all morning and keeps my blood sugar balanced. You can also drink alongside your breakfast if you need a larger meal. It is great as a light meal replacement or as a bridge snack until dinner time. The more you can pack these beneficial nutrients into your diet, the better!